
O.N.C.E.—Chapter Seven

One night changes everything

Izzibella Beau
Rainbow Salad


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Ericka ended up spending the night. We both crashed in the living room just in case another emergency crisis arose with Brooklyn and her teeth.

I took Shyla back to the party and told them not to let her drive drunk to my house again, then made sure someone came and got her car in the morning.

I was so fired up at my so-called friends. Yes, me and my boys were close, but now I knew they talked behind my back. You can’t keep a girl’s mouth closed with gossip when she's drunk.

Shyla spilled it all last night on the drive back, telling me my past team thinks I’m crazy for taking on a baby.

Yeah, well, none of them had ever been in this situation before. They don’t know what they would do.

“Hey, honey.” Mom rolled in through the door around eight. She looked dead tired from working all night.

Ericka and I were in the kitchen, sipping coffee and trying to get Brooklyn to eat some of her new baby food.

“Hey,” I glanced up at Mom before I went back to try and get Brook one last bite before she went on a temper tantrum.

“Ericka, right?” Mom questioned, looking back and forth between us. I knew what she was thinking just from the look in her eyes. ‘Trent, what the hell are you doing again?’

“Mom, Ericka came over last night because I called her. I couldn’t get Brooklyn to stop crying, and I was going freakin insane. She’s teething. Brook, not Ericka.”

“I told the social worker about her fussing, but it appears she didn’t want to hear any of it. I brought the teething ointment over.” Ericka picked up the tube off the table and waved it in the air.

“We crashed in the living room, just in case another bout of screaming went on.” I made it clear where we slept and why.

“Well, my baby girl looks okay this morning.” Mom picked up Brooklyn and cuddled her close. A million kisses were placed all over her head, and Brook looked like she was in heaven. Mom gave Brooklyn back to Ericka and turned towards the door. “I gotta work again tonight, so I’m gonna hit the sack. Thank you for helping out last night, Ericka.”

Ericka smiled and nodded.

“I’ll see you later, Trent.” Mom gave a final wave before disappearing out of the room.

“Do you want something to eat?” I got up and looked around in the cupboards. I pulled out a box of Pop-Tarts.

Ericka shook her head no to my breakfast suggestion. “I gotta get going.” She gave Brooklyn the pacifier, who was almost back to sleep after her morning meal, and placed her in the car seat. Ericka stood and moved towards the door. “Do you need help tonight since your mom works?”

I shrugged. I didn’t know how Brook was going to be.

Ericka stretched as a large yawn escaped from her mouth. “I’ll check back in later.”

I nodded. “Sounds good. Thanks”

“Cool. See ya.”

I opened up the pack of chocolate breakfast treats but sat them back down. They didn’t seem too appetizing right about now. I think while Brooklyn was napping, it would give me the best opportunity to catch up on some of my own much-needed sleep.

One week later, today was the day.

All reports had been turned into the courts by the social workers I had interactions with when I was with Brooklyn.

Since I filed for full custody, and went through all the mandatory observation, along with parenting classes and skills tests, now it was up to Judge Revere to determine if I was qualified to take care of my daughter.

“So what are you going to tell them regarding the living situation and childcare out at USC?”

Ericka was accompanying me to the courthouse today since my mom had to work. She’d become such a valuable resource in helping with Brooklyn, so unlike my friends, whom I hadn’t heard from since... well, a long fuckin time.

“Yeah, I haven’t figured that one out yet.”

“Trent, this is something really important. You know the judge is gonna ask you.”

“Fuck, Ericka, I don’t have an answer for everything. I guess I will have to hire a babysitter.”

With what money, I don’t know.

I stuffed some extra diapers and a bottle into the diaper bag and tossed it to Ericka. I grabbed the car seat with Brooklyn already nice and secure inside and walked towards the front door. “Showtime.” I motioned with my hand for Ericka to go ahead of me.

“It’s gonna go well, Trent, no worries.”

“Yep, no worries.” I could repeat what she said and try to believe it would all go well, but my stomach was still flip-flopping all around.

“Mr. Mackenzie.” The judge called me out by name when I walked into the room. “It’s good to see you and baby Brooklyn this fine morning.”

“Good morning, your honor.” I placed the car seat on the chair and took Brooklyn out. She was still half-asleep, so I cradled her in my arms so she didn’t make any commotion. I wanted to get in and out of here as quickly as possible.

“I see you’ve taken to fatherhood rather easily. Brooklyn appears quite content and healthy.” Judge Revere looked over some papers sitting on her desk. “I have all the reports from the social workers and the extended family Brooklyn has lived with for the past couple of weeks. It seems you passed with exceptional reviews, looks like football isn’t your only specialty.”

“Thank you.” I’m not sure what else I could say. I wanted her to make the final decision and let me and Brooklyn go on with our lives.

“I would like to know if plans have been set once you leave for college. I’m assuming Brooklyn will be going with you.”

‘Oh fuck, I knew this question was coming. Did I have an answer or any idea of what was going to go on? Nope.’

“Yes, your, honor. Brooklyn will be coming with me. As you know, or have read the reports, I have a two-bedroom apartment located off-campus. It is for single parents who want to attend USC.”

‘Now what? I don’t have any other plans.’

Everyone was watching and waiting for me to give some sort of miracle, fix-it-all solution to this issue.

“I have a nanny who will be taking care of Brooklyn while I attend classes and football-related events..”

‘Whew, I pulled that one out of my ass.’

“And the person would be?”

‘Now, she wanted a name.’

“Um,” for the first time ever, I stuttered for words. “Brooklyn’s cousin,” I motioned to Ericka, “will be coming with me and taking on the role of a nanny while I’m at USC.”

Ericka must’ve gotten whiplash as fast as her head flipped my way.

The judge looked just as shocked by my answer. “Ms. Walsh, is that correct? Will you be traveling with Mr. Mackenzie and Brooklyn to California?”

“Um,” Ericka's eyes narrowed at me before she turned back towards Judge Revere. “All the finer details haven’t been worked out, but I will be accompanying Brooklyn to California to make sure she is well taken care of.”

“Well, then.” Judge Revere turned her attention back my way. “I would like a follow-up at the first-semester break to make sure Brooklyn is thriving and doing well during these exceptional circumstances.”

I nodded. “Okay, that can be arranged.” I rearranged Brooklyn in my arms as she began to squirm.

“I won’t hold you back any longer. I can see the baby is done with being here for the day.” Judge Revere stood at her desk. “I wish all three of you the best and safe travels.” She signed a piece of paper, handed it to one of the court clerks, and left by way of the back door.

Ericka waited until some of the other courtroom personnel had cleared before attacking me with looks and words. “What the fuck, Trent.” A slap was thrown at my arm. “Why did you go and tell them that huge freakin lie?”

I walked back to the exit. I didn’t want to discuss this in such a small space where ears were readily listening.

Ericka followed and kept up with my fast pace. I placed Brooklyn back into her car seat, then took the drivers with Ericka getting into the passenger side once again.

“Okay, now talk.” Such persistence coming from such a small person.

“I didn’t know what else to say.” I pulled out of the parking lot. “You could come, I don’t know; maybe stay until I get another babysitter, someone I would trust.”

Ericka was awfully quiet, a rarity for her. Maybe she was giving this some consideration.

“I sort of have a life, it’s not always about making everything easy for poor, Trent.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s for Brooklyn.”

It was mainly for Brook to have a caretaker when I couldn’t be there. Plus, it would give me a chance to focus on studies and football, the stuff both of us would need for the future.

Back to quietness.

Mom still wasn’t home when we got back; I guess she ended up taking another shift at the hospital.

I grabbed Brook, and Ericka took the bag containing all the things I was always supposed to bring everywhere I went but never used. She followed me into the house like we were old-time friends.

“Okay, here’s the deal.” Ericka took Brooklyn out of her seat and plopped down on the sofa with her.

“What’s that?” Now, I was curious about what kind of hell I got myself into by commenting at the courthouse.

“Since there is a small community college that has an excellent creative writing certificate degree out in LA, but I don’t have the money to live there. I accept the job as a nanny for Brooklyn. But,”

I knew there were going to be issues.

“But?” I needed to hear her demands.

“I won’t be a slave to this twenty-four-seven. I’ll watch Brook while you’re at school and doing your football shit, but I’m not doing it for parties and sexcapades you might go to.”

“Okay, that’s reasonable enough.”

“Good.” Ericka handed Brooklyn off to me as she stood up. “I have to go inform my mother about this and begin my travel preps. We would leave in a week, right?”

I held up two fingers. “Two weeks.”

“Well, I’ll need all that time to get everything in order. I’ve been accepted into the college, but I was going to turn down the invitation.” Ericka opened the front door. “And Trent.”

I glanced over the entryway.

“I’m not sleeping with you…ever.”

I had to chuckle at her seriousness. “Never even crossed my mind.”

I got one head nod.

“Good, then we are on the same page.” And with those final words, Ericka walked out, closing the door behind her.

“What the heck did I get myself into?” I questioned Brooklyn with a tummy tickle, who, in return, gave me a slobbery smile and giggles.

The story will continue…

Thank you so much for reading, It is really appreciated.



Izzibella Beau
Rainbow Salad

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond