
O.N.C.E. — Chapter Thirteen

One night changes everything

Izzibella Beau
Rainbow Salad


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Ericka returned fifteen minutes later. She’d changed out of her holiday sweater and put on a USC sweatshirt. It was one of those that had the neckline torn off and hung off one shoulder. She said something along the lines of it being a ‘Flashdance’ throwback from the eighties.

She got the wine bottle and poured herself another half glass. She grabbed mine from the table and put in the same amount.

“She go to sleep?”

“Easy. Peasy. She was so worn out with no nap and all this happening today.” Ericka sat my glass in front of me and sunk down onto the sofa.

I picked up the cup.

“Remember, sips, not gulps.” She winked at me and took an itsy bitty drink of her wine.

“Yeah. Yeah.” I followed her directions and set the cup back down after I had taken barely anything from there. Did I even drink anything? I took the baby sip I was instructed to take.

“Damn, I can’t believe it’s only eight-thirty. It seems like it’s well past midnight. I guess that’s what being super busy is all about.” Ericka kicked her feet up and got comfy.

“Just face it. We’re like our parents now. Most people our age are ready to go party for the next couple of hours, drink, throw up, and repeat. They’ll probably get home when we get back up in the morning.”

Ericka scrunched up her nose. The last time I saw Marissa, she looked exactly like that. Brooklyn was starting to do the same thing. It’s cute in an irritating way. “Ugh, shut your face. I will NOT be like my parents.”

“It's a little too late for that now. You’re ready for bed before nine, and you left a cartoon on without even realizing it.”

I motioned to the TV that still had some kids singing Disney songs with all the characters playing on it. Yes, Brook was in love with Mickey. I couldn’t wait until I was able to take her to Disney after football was done.

“Fuck,” Ericka grabbed the remote beside her and pressed some random numbers. The channel ended up on some music station playing Christmas songs. “Ugh, no.” She was going to change the channel once again, but I stopped her.

“Nah, leave it on here. It fits the occasion.”

With a shoulder shrug, she tossed the remote back to the sofa.

We both chilled, enjoying the quietness of the moment with Silver Bells playing in the background. I kicked off my shoes and took off my button-down. Ericka gave me a weird look, maybe it was interest, when I began to take off my pants. I had a pair of running shorts on underneath, so no issue of me just sitting around in my boxers and a t-shirt, which I would be all too willing to get rid of if the moment arose.

“Do you want any more?” Ericka held up the almost empty wine bottle after the song finished playing. I knew she barely had any, maybe half a glass at the most. That meant I was the one who’d drank the majority. No wonder I felt so good.

I held up my hand. “I’m good right now.” And I was. This was the first time in a long time I was relaxed. No worries. No football issues. No girl problems. No one hanging on me expecting their firstborn. No need to impress anyone or live up to expectations.

A more upbeat Christmas song played, Bon Jovi, ‘Please Come Home for Christmas.’ I thought this song was the bomb of all holiday music.

I stood up and walked over to Ericka, extending my hand. “Dance with me?” She bit down on her lip, which was the sexiest thing I ever saw, questioned my motive with her eyes, then accepted.

I felt the resistance when I pulled her close, but after a few sways to the song, she finally caved and leaned into me. I wanted to kiss her but didn’t know how she would respond. I could never tell with Ericka. She wasn’t like all the other girls I’d been with, she wasn’t clingy or dependent, she didn’t expect me to be the player and make her the star of the school.

As soon as I gazed down at her, she looked up at me. It was a natural response to lean down and softly capture her lips with my own. I waited for the pushback, for her to walk away, but it never came. In fact, she deepened the kiss and pulled me even closer.

“Stop.” Ericka took a baby step away from me but still continued to kiss me.

As hard as it was to do, I broke the kiss. She said stop and I didn’t want her to feel as if she was forced into this situation.

“We should stop.” Ericka’s voice was breathy and low. She grabbed hold of the collar of my shirt and pulled me down. “But let’s not.” And then, this time, she kissed me.

Another song came on, but we didn’t break apart — until a knock came on the door.

At first, I tried to ignore it.

But, again, someone knocked, just a little bit louder this time. Ericka took a step back, looking up at me with fire in her eyes.

Another knock.

“Are you freakin kidding me? It’s like…like,” I glanced at the clock we had over the sink in the kitchen. “It’s after nine-thirty. Who the hell visits someone with a baby this late at night.”

“You better see who it is before they wake Brook up.” She nudged me to go to the door.

I was seriously going to punch whoever was on the other side. I tugged Ericka along with me to the door. There was no way I was letting go of this moment. I flung open the door. “What?”

I was expecting a teammate. Classmate. Someone I barely know. But not “Olivia.” Shit, I was so not expecting her.

Olivia gave a small wave, looking back and forth between me and Ericka, who I still had in my arms. “I, uh, I wanted to stop by and give your present before I left for Washington in the morning.” She revealed a small package she had hidden behind her back.

Oh, fuck me. I didn’t get her anything for Christmas. I didn’t think we were in that sort of relationship where we would buy one another Christmas presents. I noticed Olivia still watching Ericka as I kept her glued to my side. Her eyes wandered from my neck to Ericka’s. She probably noticed our matching chains.

Did I care if she got pissed?

Nah, not at all. It’s not like I wanted a serious relationship with her. We had some good times. Some really awkward times. But, there was always something lacking there that meant I couldn’t see myself with her for a long-term commitment.

And now was the time for Ericka to realize the reality of the situation. She slipped out from underneath my arm and took a step away. “Hey, Olivia. It’s good to see you again.”

Olivia smiled and returned the sentiment, but I could clearly see she didn’t mean any of the pleasantries. “I’m gonna head to bed. It’s been a long day.”

And Ericka moved even further away from me.

“Invite your girlfriend in, Trent. I’ll see you in the morning. Have a safe trip home, Olivia.” Ericka turned and moved quickly to her room before I could even protest.

“Sorry if I interrupted anything.” Olivia watched Ericka shut the bedroom door softly as she entered.

I glanced over my shoulder as soon as the bedroom door shut with a click, indicating Ericka had locked her door. I turned back to Olivia, not as happy as I had been a few minutes prior. “Nah, we were just chilling after Brooklyn went to bed.” I stepped back from the door and motioned with my hand for Olivia to come through. “Do you wanna come in?”

She looked as though she was contemplating the invite but finally gave a single head nod and entered. “I can’t stay long since my flight leaves at six in the morning.”

I sighed internally with relief. Hopefully, she’d only stay a few minutes.

“Can I get you something to drink? Eat?” I held up the almost empty wine bottle but put it down when I remembered Olivia didn’t drink, and it was a lame offer. “We got bottled water and soda, and I think Ericka bought some OJ.”

“I’m good, thank you.” Olivia handed out the gift she brought over. “I wanted to drop this off. I don’t have time to visit.”

I accepted the present. “I…um…I ordered yours and several other gifts from Amazon, and everything’s running late” I felt bad for having to lie, but I didn’t want her to think I was as big of an ass as I felt.

A faint smile played on her lips. She probably knew I was lying. “That’s okay. I guess I can get it whenever.” She motioned to the wrapped box still in my hand. “Go ahead, you can open it now. We don’t have to wait for exchanges.”

I carefully undid the bow and slowly pulled off the tape, prolonging the torture of not wanting to open the present. I was pleasantly surprised. She bought the bottle of cologne, Creed Aventus, I’d sort of gushed over once I smelled the sample bottle of women’s she’d gotten for herself. I knew this was an easy two-hundred-dollar bottle she unselfishly bought for me. Wow, did I feel like a total dick for not even wanting her to be here.

I gave her a small hug, not one that felt like we had any intimate relationship for the past month or two. “Wow, thank you.”You shouldn’t have.”

Like, really, she shouldn’t have.

“I better get going. I wish I could stay, but I have to walk back across campus and still have a little bit more packing to do before the morning.” Olivia maneuvered closer to the door.

“Hey,” I slipped on my shoes. “Let me walk with you. It’s dark out, and I would feel better if I walked with you.”

Olivia opened the door. “It’s okay, Trent, I do this all the time. I’ll be fine. There’s security everywhere.” She glanced over at Ericka’s closed door, then back to me. “You’re needed here.” She softly shut the door.

I heard her footsteps fade as she moved away from our apartment. I know I should’ve run out after her and made sure she arrived safely, but as Olivia said, I was needed here. I felt as if she had sort of broken up with me if we had considered ourselves a couple.

Guess it was time to head to bed.

I shut off the TV and the soft, illuminating lights we had on during our quiet time together. I stopped outside Ericka’s door, my hand raised. I wanted to knock, to find out if she was okay, but I knew it would probably wake Brooklyn since she was sleeping in there tonight.

How would she be in the morning?

Would she regret us kissing again?

I shuffled back to my room alone once again.

The story will continue…

Thank you so much for reading, it is so appreciated.



Izzibella Beau
Rainbow Salad

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond