Ode to the Palapero

It’s dangerous building a palapa

J. Sharland Day
Rainbow Salad


Palaperos laying the poles in place for a palapa home
Photo by J. Sharland Day

What is a palapero? One might ask.

A builder of palapas honed for the task.

But what is a palapa, they then say.

An open-sided dwelling in which to play.

A roof that is thatched with dried palm leaves

Or grasses that are bundled in small, dried sheaves.

Heavy poles are set up, whether large or small

To make a frame that could cover a mall

Or just a table while at the beach

For shade and drinks within easy reach.

The large frames are grand and hard to build

The palaperos are strong for the poles they will yield

Up tall ladders they climb to pull poles nice and easy

Up three-story heights which makes me quite queasy

To watch them move around on one long pole

Spliced together to play their role

Of a ridge-beam for rafters to be tacked

With 20-penny nails where purlins are stacked.



J. Sharland Day
Rainbow Salad

Writer of suspense, thriller, travel, romance, erotica, paranormal & poetry. @JSharlandDay https://www.jsharlandday.com/