Melodies of Love

Binding Love

Noe R.
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Filipe Almeida on Unsplash

“Love Is The Binding Force On Every Level of Existence.”

— Peter Kreeft

My Great haven, I am mesmerized,
With your embrace, I synchronized.
Your laughter, a melody, oh great sight to see,
It dances in the breeze and fills the air.

With every word, that slips your lips,
I’m lost in a world, where time softly slips,
You paint the world with vibrant hues,
A canvas of emotions, bold and true.

In your presence, all worries find their place,
The dream we had, so bright and bold,
Oh! great heaven don’t bind us apart,
Lurks the pain that keeps us apart.

Through the problems, we unite,
With every touch, our spirits fly,
Together we dance in passion’s fire,
The Melodic of love, a grand desire.

In the depths of your soul, I’m mesmerized,
With your love’s embrace, I find my home,
A beacon of love, forever bright,
For you my love, I’ll do it right.

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Noe R.
Rainbow Salad

Poet| |I write to spread the knowledge that I've gained about life.| |Check my stories for more!!!| |FOLLOW BACK IS GUARANTEED| |ANY FEEDBACK ARE WELCOME|