Poem: Moonlit Dreams

That are made of stardust, strength and smiles

Uzaifa Memon
Rainbow Salad
1 min readDec 11, 2023


Poetry: Moonlit Dreams
Cradling a globe of dreams

Sparkling dreams, adorned with glitter and strength,
In the silver glow, they shine with an astonishing depth,
A celestial reverie that steals my breath,
Rendering me breathless, my thoughts swiftly cast.

Conjuring visions of a coruscating future,
Where elves dance on a sand-adorned bleacher,
Ecstasy wraps the universe in lustrous gemstones,
Leading me through lunar passages and selenic labyrinths.

In the moon’s embrace, I dream of a nirvana,
A ballet of shadows and whispers spread into a catena,
Cocooned in the stardust, where dreams prevail,
I write my destiny, a cosmic and rhapsodic tale.

Some dreams are literally made up of stardust and ideas that are soaked in ambition. ‘Moonlit Dreams’ is a tribute to those dreams that keep us awake in the night.

Like every other poem, this one too is a cacophony of words that stole my breath initially.

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Uzaifa Memon
Rainbow Salad

Content Creator. Data Analyst. I'm open to experiments but bounce back to writing about tech and writing itself. I ask and answer weird (but helpful) questions!