Poem: My Favourite Pastime

To Stare At The Deserted Land And Lose Myself There

Uzaifa Memon
Rainbow Salad
1 min readSep 12, 2023


Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash

Diving deep into an abyss
Of overwhelming thoughts
That robs me of breath
And leaves me yearning for a way out of its wrath

Conjuring vivid scenarios
Of bright days
That demands extensive efforts
And lures me into a labyrinth weighed down by expectations

Oh, it is my favourite pastime
To constrict my heart as if it committed a crime
Burden my brain
And render myself incapable of breaking the chain…

Overthinking isn’t just a word, it is an emotion we all suffer through sometimes or the other. And writers like me, who harbour a brain that works overtime, are tormented by this emotion day and night. We stare at bleak walls, the keys before us and the moonlit sky to reflect on ourselves so that we can write about it.

And then we fall victim to this three-headed monster.

Let’s continue battling against it and prioritizing our mental peace over everything else.

Here are more such poems for you.



Uzaifa Memon
Rainbow Salad

Content Creator. Data Analyst. I'm open to experiments but bounce back to writing about tech and writing itself. I ask and answer weird (but helpful) questions!