Poem — Tears

Rainbow Salad
Published in
1 min readMay 28, 2024
Image by Gemini and author

I shed a tear on every ground that burns, I walk past them with bare feet,

My eyes are wells of Babylon, a mourning oasis in sunburnt-dunes.

Scorching heat, green eyes, fallen lives, footsteps that lead nowhere,

Breathlessness, suffocation in the lap of presumed life,

The souls were not cremated nor buried — left fossils and become landmines,
With the careful steps, I avoid being hunted
They are Others now, and I stand on the sidewalk avoiding any mistake that would Other me too! I stand on the sidewalk silently, I couldn’t stop the hunter.
I avoid being burnt, I veil my opinions in interest of life, so I cannot be vilified.
Smoke from the fireplace mantles the sky and when the lightning strikes, I run, — whilst being motionless, emotionless in my mind...I run from the night.

I run all night....I turn down the blinds to get through the night...
And then every morning I wake up with the question, Why??

Why did I not flinch for the blood in the east, why didn’t I grieve a thousand stabs,

How did I sleep with my eyes closed at night??

