Poem: Writer’s Wall

A canvas of thoughts, ideas and dreams

Uzaifa Memon
Rainbow Salad
1 min readJan 7, 2024


Poem: The Writer’s Wall

Upon the Writer’s Wall, a canvas wide,
In dreams and ink, my thoughts reside,
The elements of a tale profound,
Like a phoenix, my characters rebound.

I blend the colours of the words,
Weave a narrative unique beyond all the obstacles,
Through passages, poetry and even a letter,
The wall serves as the inspiration for the tales that matter.

With each stroke of the pen, I scribble an emotion,
Conjure a secret universe with the words golden,
Unlock a piece of my heart, that twirls in mirth,
Because, upon the Writer’s Wall, a mural of tales, my dreams find worth.

No writer can deny that we need a blank canvas to dump our ideas upon.

Those notes then find a way on a wall in front of our writing table or our bedside. They remind us of all those creative ideas that we have yet to breathe life into.

Which idea are you working on?

And do you have such a Writer’s Wall?

Let me know!

Also, do check out more such poetries here.

Good day.



Uzaifa Memon
Rainbow Salad

Content Creator. Data Analyst. I'm open to experiments but bounce back to writing about tech and writing itself. I ask and answer weird (but helpful) questions!