One word prompt



Raine Lore
Rainbow Salad
Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2021


Digital art by Raine Lore

This is upsetting my creative Muse,
Prompt interruptions just get her confused.
She’s not getting younger; in fact, she is aged —
She needs peace! She wants quiet! She’s growing enraged!
So, I beg you, have mercy, my brain feels abused.

And don’t you pretend you’re gonna go quiet,
Yeah, nah, Mister Hull, I really don’t buy it!
Now, I’m convinced that prompting is fun,
Cranky old Muse can go bite her bum!
(Please don’t repeat that — I’ll have to deny it).

So, into the sunset I ride without Muse,
What the hell, guys — there’s not much to lose!
My writing may suffer and go down the john,
My fiction is singing a bloody swansong —
I’m humming it now, ‘The Lost Fiction Blues’. :(



Raine Lore
Rainbow Salad

Independent author, reader, graphic artist and photographer. Dabbling in illustration and animation. Top Writer in Fiction.