Christmas Stories

Santa and Mrs. Claus Have A Day Of Golf

Chapter 1- Santa’s World Before Christmas

Rainbow Salad
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2023


images all author’s own

It was a cold winter day up in the North Pole this year. Santa Claus had been so busy creating toys, reading lists, checking them twice, and even needing a break from the holiday preparation.

After a long day at the toy factory, Santa asked Rudolph if he wanted to join him for Santa’s favorite hobby. A game of golf at the Reindeer Golf Course. Rudolph was thrilled to be invited. He appreciated when Santa treated him like his partner and not just one of the reindeer.

Just as Santa grabbed his golf clubs back at his North Pole home, Mrs. Claus asked him what he was doing.

“I am off to play some golf with Rudolph,” Santa said very jolly.

“Well, I would like to come too. I am tired of baking cookies all day.”, said Mrs. Claus as she pulled off her apron.

“Wait a minute, I was hoping for some quiet time,” said Santa.

There was such a silence in the air that even the Elf on the shelf hid from the sight!

“What do you mean by that?” said Mrs. Claus.

“Nothing, dear, nothing,” Santa said as he returned from the house.



Rainbow Salad

Dedicated mother, loving wife, dog mom, watercolor artist, creative writer, full of ideas, with humor and whimsy.