Searching for Her Love

A Son’s Endless Quest

Sandip Chavan
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash

In the shadows of longing, my heart does reside,

A boy without a mother, searching far and wide.

Her absence a void, aching deep within,

I yearn for her presence, where do I begin?

I trace the memories, faint whispers in the air,

Moments shared together, beyond compare.

Her laughter like music, her touch so tender,

A love so profound, I forever remember.

In the depths of my dreams, I see her face,

Guiding me gently, with her warm embrace.

But in the waking hours, she remains unseen,

A phantom in my heart, a ghost within my dreams.

I wander through life, seeking her trace,

In every passing stranger, a fleeting chase.

Her scent eludes me, her voice unheard,

Lost in the vastness, like an unspoken word.

I search in every corner, every crowded place,

Hoping to catch a glimpse of her loving gaze.

But the world keeps spinning, time marches on,

Leaving me yearning for a mother who is gone.

Yet, deep within my soul, I still hold on tight,

To the love she left behind, a guiding light.

In memories and whispers, her spirit remains,

A bond unbroken, through joys and pains.

Though she may not physically be by my side,

Her love transcends, it’s an eternal guide.

For even in her absence, she shapes who I am,

Her love forever imprinted, like a sacred hymn.



Sandip Chavan
Rainbow Salad

Passions: Physics, Astronomy, Tech, Travel, Poetry, Advaita Vedanta. Inspired by Osho, Swami Sarvapriyananda. Fav book: Astavakra Gita and Mrityunjay 🌌📚🔭🌟