Birthday Girl

“Youth is the gift of Nature.” — Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

JS O’Keefe
Rainbow Salad
May 5, 2024


Artwork by Toni Verkruysse

I’ve never met anybody over ninety-years-old before, and probably not that many over eighty, but this birthday party for the famous playwright is her 104th.

The old lady is surrounded by an army of cats, most seem feral or at least highly combative. She’s been on oxygen for over a decade, and has to ask her great-grandson to blow out the lone candle on the cake.

Then she announces she still wants two more things from life. One, Seabiscuit to win the Kentucky Derby. The other, this FDR fellow should get re-elected. The latter wish, she says, is more for emotional than political reasons.

Well, if ever there was a good way to stay young…


A short sketch of this story was published in 50 Word Stories on May 3, 2024.



JS O’Keefe
Rainbow Salad

JS O’Keefe is a scientist and fiction writer (Every Day Fiction, WENSUM, 101 Words, Spillwords, 50WS, ScribesMICRO, Medium, Paragraph, 6S, Satire, MMM, etc).