Silenced Women

A poem that describes the book, Vox, by Christina Dalcher

Brittany Benko
Rainbow Salad
3 min readNov 27, 2023


The image was created and edited by the author through Canva.

I’ve recently read the book, Vox, by Christina Dalcher. I personally thought the book was phenomenal. The story talks about what happens to society when the wrong person is elected into power. The president wants to simplify the world by enforcing women to be housewives. Girls are no longer taught to read and write in school, and females are only allowed the speak one hundred words per day. Females wear a counter (which is in the form of a bracelet) that monitors their words each time they speak. If women speak over their daily word limit, the counter zaps them. The intensity increases for each added word that is spoken. This can be deadly if not taken seriously. This book takes you back to a time where men were in charge and women were viewed as property. If you are a fan of The Handmaid’s ’s Tale, then this book is for you. There is a lot of religion and politics in the book, but both are essential to the story. This book was chilling, and at the same time, made me think. I highly recommend every woman to read this book so we can appreciate the freedom we have today.

As I stand near my kitchen counter,
I stare blankly at the time
I’ve turned into a mute
Even reading has become a crime
The reverend assists the president
Keeping holiness in this new age
The bible is law
To go against it is a sin
Women have become depressed and withdrawn
They are crying under thick skin
Prizes are given to girls at school
Who utter the least amount of words
Our society has become controlling and cruel
I miss the days when women were free as birds
I can’t check the mail because I have breasts
My place is in the kitchen
To ensure my family is well fed
I can’t have opinions or spend time with friends
Anytime there’s a social gathering,
The women feel socially dead
If caught signing,
The armed men will take us away
To a camp in North Dakota where we will slave away our days
There are two options for women:
Marry or work as a slave on a farm
Career options are over
I’m stuck in a prison
The government has done so much harm
The system is simple
First God
Then man and woman
They say we are rewarded for enduring suffering
But when will that be?
I wish I had paid more attention during the presidential campaigns Perhaps today I would still be free

If you are enjoying my poems based off of books, feel free to make a suggestion in the comments. If I have read the book, I will consider writing a poem about the story. Thanks for your continued love and support.



Brittany Benko
Rainbow Salad

Self-published poet, LitPick book reviewer, Etsy seller, and autism mom