
Calen Feng
Rainbow Salad
Published in
Aug 1, 2023
Photo by Priyanka Karmakar on Unsplash

Gentle daybreak and harsh night

The buzz of bees and the song of birds

A timeless tree stands guard over young flowers

Dancing to the tender rhythm of a song’s fading breath

As the stars bloom and light falls

A girl rises, and a beam of sunlight cradles daisies

Her face a fresh snowdrop, and eyes pale ice

She bids farewell, and vanishes into the stars

Her haven left behind as she pursued new threads of dawn

A rock skips once, twice, across a still pond

The girl, pale eyes shining, waves to newfound companions

Slipping into life anew as light cascades to a gentle stream

All is well and all is good, and the silver stars align

Thank you so much for taking the time to read! I’m not great with poetry, but I hope to improve with practice.



Calen Feng
Rainbow Salad

Aspiring Writer. Student. Not an expert, but I try. Let’s see how this goes!