Comatose: Part One

Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2023
CPhoto by Theodor Vasile on Unsplash

Laying in my bed unconscious, my physical body is in a comfortable state and the other astral body of mine is a shiny star about to begin an “I wish journey”

I stood in the corner of his blue-lighted-dark living room as I watched him light up his bud and gulp down his whisky. The song “Happier by Ed Sheeran” escaped loudly from his music player. He took a puff of the bud as he rested his head on his sofa, eyes closed with his face up lost in thought.

I moved slowly to him, took a seat beside him, and placed my hand on his chest close enough to hear his heartbeat. He shivered against my touch as if he knew somehow that he received a touch. He flicked his eyes open and I could see some hurt he was trying to conceal, some deep pain he was not trying to show.

I somehow wish things were to be different!

I badly wanted to get what was on his mind, what he was thinking of, but at that point, all I wanted to do was to look him in the face, to study the shape of his eyes down to his well-curved lips and I wonder how a man could be so perfectly made which reminded me of the chills I feel anytime he looked down at me and I also wonder whether his mind was full of the thoughts of me right now. Being in my astral body, I can do anything but my decision to spend this few hours or more with him is something to behold. So I could’ve checked out whether those thoughts were about me but I didn’t want to get ahead of myself just yet because it would’ve been so heartbreaking if I found out it was the other way around.

I sighed sadly as he moved his legs rhythmically to the song “Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran” and come to think of it, it was deafening enough to keep out the noise emanating from his compound. Yeah, that was his plan, to be away from the world- alone in his world and thoughts and trying to think.

His heart pounded heavily and fast against my hand which brought me close to tears- why the hell are you feeling this way? Could it be about someone or something? You scared?? Are you anxious about the future?? Why did you choose to block out the world from your thoughts?? Are we both losing our minds?? These questions go on in my head unanswered because it reveals another chapter to be opened……..



Rainbow Salad

Wild mind with a complicated life… which only can be described with words💯