Submissions and Guidelines

And all the legalese fine print

Will Hull
Rainbow Salad
2 min readAug 19, 2021


Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

Welcome to Rainbow Salad.

If you’ve come this far, clearly you’re keen. And we love that about you.

So here are a few of our rules and guidelines. We’ll keep this short because, honestly, most of us know the drill and it’s not rocket surgery.

About this pub:

Rainbow Salad is a sister publication of Counter Arts.
We’re the same group of editors, so you know where to find us.
Or simply leave a comment on this post.

  • We publish only Poetry and Fiction.

Our Rules:

  • Follow Medium’s rules and guidelines.
  • All works must be your own and not published elsewhere. Work self-published here on Medium is acceptable.
  • We will not publish anything that we deem racist, misogynistic, demeaning, violent, phobic, or hate-fueling.
  • ***NEW RULE (SEPT 2022)*** We will also not publish any image which contains firearms of any kind. I do not mind if your poem or story involves weaponry, but I will not be accepting any images — either as a header or throughout the body of the piece — from this point forward. Thank you — Sadie Seroxcat (owner)

Some Additional Guidelines:

  • Poetry can follow any form; though we suggest works of more than 6 words and less than 600.
  • Fiction can also follow any genre. For works longer than an 8–10 minute read, we suggest considering submitting pieces in a serialised style.
  • We’d also suggest minding your p’s and q’s when writing anything about Americans, Australians, Italians, Asians, Swedes, Colombians, Unicorns or Brits . 😉

Want to write for us?

Ask us to add you as a writer in a comment to this post.
Alternatively, contact the publication owner:

Already a writer for us?

Fire away. Send us your submissions and we’ll add them as soon as an editor has time to give them a quick once-over.

That’s all folks.

Pretty simple stuff, other than that part about Americans, Australians etc.

  • Break a rule and our legal team of Seroxcat&Hull, LLP. will be in touch.
  • Break a Medium rule and may karma have mercy on your soul and membership.

Thanks for reading.

From all of us at Rainbow Salad: Sadie Seroxcat ~Will Hull ~ Arthur Dewson & Reece Beckett

