Telling a Story in 10 Words

Entering the 10-word story challenge

Kitty Williams
Rainbow Salad


$20 farmer’s market bouquet — image via author

I was inspired by Shereen Bingham to give the 10-word story challenge a try, so I’ve written nine 10-word stories inspired by my day-to-day life.

Here it goes!

  1. Twenty dollar bouquet of farmer’s market flowers brings me joy

2. Sitting at a stoplight as a monarch butterfly meanders by

3. Darkness falls in the afternoon a storm is coming soon

4. A small shadow and urgent meow emerge through midnight darkness

5. Driving fast with windows down and music loud on Friday

6. Chipmunk scurries in search of seeds to stuff his cheeks

7. Curled up on the couch with a blanket and movie

8. Old dog acts like a puppy running fast in circles

9. Reading a book outside while ants crawl up my legs

I’d love to know what you think of my 10-word stories and if you’re feeling inspired, feel free to give it a try yourself!



Kitty Williams
Rainbow Salad

writer of sad poetry & essays on feminism, politics, LGBTQ, religion & whatever else I feel like. bookworm, stargazer, daydreamer & devoted mom to fur babies