That Bittersweet Delight


Vithal Agrawal
Rainbow Salad
1 min readApr 7, 2023


Photo by Samuele Giglio on Unsplash

In the vast expanse of the night sky, shooting stars are a wonder that captivates the imagination of all who witness their fleeting brilliance. Their sudden appearance and swift journey across the darkness leave us in awe and wonder, pondering the mysteries of the universe. This poem is an ode to that very phenomenon, drawing inspiration from celestial beauty.

Here’s the poem:

Up, rested the eternal carpet,
stars above, scattered on its dark velvet.
Their twinkling lights slicing through the dark,
each one pirouetting, a luster, a spark.

For then I see the shooting star,
a fleeting flame, that shone from afar.
A flash of light, a moment brief,
it entailed an ephemeral belief.

It dances on the edge of night,
mocking the human in a way so bright.
Only to disappear from my staggered sight,
leaving me alone to relish upon that bittersweet delight.

A memory that will forever linger,
a wish I made with all my vigor.
But now, it’s just a happy reminder,
of the heart’s fulfilled desire.


Hope you liked it. Thank you for reading!



Vithal Agrawal
Rainbow Salad

Passionate writer, reader, and learner exploring the world through words and ideas. Constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences to grow and inspire others.