The bird came to the door.

It was a beautiful great door that had stood through all the worse storms.

Leanne VanValkenburgh
Rainbow Salad
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Robert Woeger on Unsplash

The bird sang a melody that came straight from its heart.

And so the bird was shown a window, given a perch to sit on.

The bird saw that inside it was warm and safe because of the strong door.

Yet the bird was only allowed to look in. Never allowed inside.

Years it’s stayed on that perch dreaming of how it would feel to be let inside.

The bird left worms and bits of branches at the window.

Tried to make it a home with what it had. Though, it wasn’t as warm and safe like it was inside.

The bird sang the most beautiful songs as best it could. Hoping the colors of it’s wings would be beautiful enough and the song of it’s heart lovely enough. To be allowed in.

Then the bird flew off one day.

Maybe the perch became to small or maybe the bird took a fall.

But the bird returned to find the perch gone.

Only a door without a window and heavy lock hung from the door.

Oh what the bird would give just to have its perch again.

To look in the window and watch, waiting to be let in.

The bird remember the warmth inside but now it was hidden away from the bird.

The bird now sits at the bottom of the door looking up at the thick unforgiving wood.

Hoping it would be seen once more.

Gathering again what it would bring, if let inside.

The memory of what it was waiting for was to great to let go.

So the bird now just sits with a tear in its eye until it grows weak and can no longer sing. And the colors of its wings begin to fade.

Wishing it had never flown away.



Leanne VanValkenburgh
Rainbow Salad

I write therefore I am. I write, I create, I design, I experience, I accept, I think. and I do not regret.