The chapters of my love book

Val's Poetry Shelf
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2023
  1. It started with chaos. It was the first heart-break, not realizing my worth.
  2. It was innocence and summer love: intense, pure but with an expiration date.
  3. It was the first real relationship, understanding intimacy, fighting for it to work in the distance and being the one breaking a heart for the first time.
  4. It was a debt, he was cocky, I wanted to be distracted but it was short.
  5. It was breaking, it was rejection in the face
  6. It was fun, it was high on liquor on a night out in Paris
  7. It was unexpected, its was not the right place even if at the time I wanted it to be. It was being second priority, it was neither here nor there. It was complete realization of not wanting just fun anymore, it was finally acknowledging what I wanted for the next chapter and not settling for anything else.
  8. It was pushing limits, it was gossip, it was drunk, he was burning red but had green eyes, it was a movie kiss that had to be just that.
  9. It is the one. It is building through the learnings from the previous chapters. It is natural. No games, no doubts this time. It is peace. It is support, pushing each other to be better, feeling like a team. It is honest and mature love. It is fire under the sheets and talking when it feels cold. It is dreaming and moving together towards the future we want to build. It is sending portals to it. It is Day 1.

