The chess of spirituality

Kehinde Margret Makinde
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2024

A spiritual allegory using chess as a metaphor to explore deeper spiritual truths and insights; and portraying life as a game of chess, where each move represents our faith, hope, love, and soul; sacred garments worn by clergy during liturgical ceremonies represent the pieces on a chessboard.

Life is a game of chess,
where we move and countermove.
With pieces of our faith,
our hope, our love, our soul,
we dress in sacred garments—
like alb and chasuble.
We wear the stole and cincture,
the amice and the maniple.

We follow the liturgical colours
to mark the seasons of the year.
We celebrate the mysteries
of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection.
We worship in the holy places,
where grace and mercy are near.
We seek the sacraments of life—
baptism, confession, and communion.

But chess is not a simple game;
it has its rules and strategies.
We face the challenges of en passant,
castling, and promotion.
We must avoid the dangers of pin,
fork, skewer, and zugzwang.
We must choose wisely our gambits,
our openings, and our endgames.

We have different roles and functions,
like rook, bishop, and knight.
We have different values and powers,
like pawn, king, and queen.
We have different positions

and directions,
like square and rank.
But we are all part of one board,
one body, one church.

The goal is not to win or lose,
but to play with honour and grace.
The goal is not to checkmate

or stalemate,
but to seek God's will and face.
The goal is not to be the best

or the worst,
but to be faithful and humble.
The goal is not to be the chess master
or the chess piece,
but to be the chess partner of God.



Kehinde Margret Makinde
Rainbow Salad

A complex soul, academic writer, and artist at heart with fine deem from distinct outlook; zeal's veer; and events to proof stir of gifts, love, and vision