The First Fall Leaf: Detective Arthur’s Haunting Pursuit | Mirror Murders — Chapter 1

Dive into the twisted realm of Mirror Murders as Detective Arthur Reinhart investigates a chilling murder spree with inexplicable connections to his own life.

CJ Coop
Rainbow Salad
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2023


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The First Fall Leaf: Detective Arthur’s Haunting Pursuit | Mirror Murders — Chapter 1
By C.J Coop | Created with Midjourney

Chapter 1: The First Fall Leaf

The October air held a penetrating chill, laced with an aroma of wet leaves and impending doom. Detective Arthur Reinhart tugged his collar higher, his piercing blue eyes scanning the grotesque crime scene. His salt-and-pepper hair betrayed the weight of years and cases that had wrung him dry of any youthful optimism.

The victim lay sprawled beneath a splintering oak tree; its leaves tinged with the early colours of autumn. A mirror shard jutted out from the victim’s throat, its reflective surface stained with crimson.

A younger officer, Timothy, shifted uncomfortably. “It’s monstrous, isn’t it?”

Arthur’s eyes never left the mirror shard. “That’s the word.”

Grimacing, he thought of his children — now living across the country with their mother, his…



CJ Coop
Rainbow Salad

| Poet | Storyteller | British | Lodestar Gazette Owner |