The Future Is Coming

a cut-up poem

Chantelle Atkins
Rainbow Salad
1 min readJun 26, 2023


Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash

Why do people ruin everything?

wildfires — no water

rusted, barbed wire coiled like snakes

sharp stones underfoot

but we cleared up the broken glass

falling over, getting splashed

this place is hungry

the current trickles under the fallen log

let’s trespass, let’s explore

what’s that noise?

The future — it’s coming


Thank you for reading. I really love cut-up poetry at the moment. This one was made by writing four sections and taking lines from each to make a poem. The sections were 1. Things that make people laugh 2. Things people are scared of 3. Describe a place you know well, using all the senses 4. Imagine you’re in this place and write any random thoughts you have. Below is a link to another cut-up poem, but this one involved writing a different list for each of the senses at the time of writing.



Chantelle Atkins
Rainbow Salad

Author and co-director of Chasing Driftwood Writing Group and Chasing Driftwood Books.