The Journey

A poem of reflection on a life after

Astaria DÁrci - Whispering Echo
Rainbow Salad
1 min readMar 25, 2024


Image by: Julius H on Pixabay

It was a beautiful journey
Filled with things that life is about
From love to sorrow and all the doubt
Of things, we left undone
Wishes and regrets
Of love and loss
And all we lived under the Southern Cross
If we could go back and change anything
What would we bring
Our thoughts may be different
Our choices finer
Our connections diviner
Would we do more or do less
Would we relinquish any desire to impress
Would we live more fully and embrace each day
As if it was the last
And would we say
We are happy now we’ve let go of the paradigm
Because it is no crime
To be who we are
And do what we want
Remove the shackles that keep us from being nonchalant
To walk in green pastures
Under the sun
Be brave and courageous
Confident and inspired
To fulfill our purpose and all our desires
To know that when that day comes
We will leave the physical and become spiritual
We have done all we can to enjoy the journey
Take our last step leading us to eternity

