The Problem With Money

Siddhartha Writes The Blues
Rainbow Salad
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2023

Slog all day
Working away
Grind your soul to dust
For just one day’s pay.

Waste your precious hours
Toiling for those above you
Spending all your energy
To please people who’ll never love you

They don’t even like you
If we’re being honest
Squeezing the life from your eyes
Every day they try their darnedest

But still you work
Because you need that cash
Pile it up high
Protect your little stash

But it never sticks around
The money never stays
It’s always getting siphoned
Someone’s always taking it away

The tax man takes some
He always gets his lump
Then the landlord takes his share
He never forgets his chunk

So you work some more
To make up for the money you lost
But did you ever stop and wonder
Just what did it cost?

Weekends spent with friends
Meals eaten with family
Time spent carefree
Time spent idly

You trade your time for money
and in the moment it seems fair
But in the end
An ugly truth’s laid bare

The money you earn
Is the price you pay
That’s the problem with money
It ain’t cheap.

