The Problem With Poetry

Poem about the Problem with Poetry

Caro Kocel
Rainbow Salad


Handwritten pages and pages drafts of a poem
Image: author’s own. 8-pages of drafts & counting of a 12-line poem

The problem with poetry
Is that the words must FIT
When they don’t
The poem is SHIT

So many poets afflicted with chronic logorrhea
Which, seriously, means ‘the overuse of incoherent words’,
Or wordly diarrhoea

“I swallowed one whole dictionary
Just to be able to throw it
Up, in rhyming mystical verse
And call myself a poet”

Not sure of sharing my nonsense blare
Instead I choose to nurture
My rhymes and rhythms
Beats and flare
And if you don’t like it
I’ll try not to care

Scrunched up discarded paper of draft poem
Many words don’t make it to the poem. Image: author’s own



Caro Kocel
Rainbow Salad

Nature-loving life-learning hula-hooping sunshine fish: UK, France, Japan, Micronesia.