
The Rain and the Wet

Soothing Showers

Qaiser Khan
Rainbow Salad
Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2024


The Rain and the Wet
Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

Some stand with faces uplifted,
Eyes closed, souls gift
They feel each drop that falls,
Nature’s call enthralled

Others rush with heads bowed down,
Seeking shelter, dodging around
Just want to avoid getting drenched,
Wrapped up in their own clenched thoughts

The rain it falls on both the same,
Yet only some attune to its sacred name
While others miss rain’s beauty through life,
Too stressed in daily strife

To truly live is to feel each sensation,
Not just endure situations
The deep and the light, sorrow and mirth
Find meaning thats hidden on earth

So next time drops fall from above
Lift your face to nature’s love
Feel the rain, don’t just get wet
Open your heart, you’ll never regret

Qaiser Khan

Old Diaries

(Written on Nov 28, 2022)

Inspired by the famous saying,
“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” — Bob Marley



Qaiser Khan
Rainbow Salad

Devoted cooking enthusiast, poet, blogger, and content writer