The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy.

A poem that examines the sin of Envy.

Lenoi Poetica
Rainbow Salad
2 min readJun 6, 2024


Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

What man is without the desire to acquire what belongs to another?
Thus, one should be wary of those who are friendly,
For they'll do any illicit act for their own gain, even smother.
These people are the embodiment of envy.

Not a modicum of gratitude do such individuals possess,
For they're only driven by their self-interest.
They become vultures, scavenging off the hard work of others, with which they've become obsessed.
To witness the downfall of the individual, they'll celebrate with a fest.

The sin of envy is a potent motivator,
For the good fortune of others, it seeks to destroy.
But of their own destruction, the envious are their own co-creators,
And the possessions that they accumulate, they can’t fully enjoy.

To combat the sin of envy, the holy ones encourage the practice of gratitude,
For such a trait will surely change one's attitude.



Lenoi Poetica
Rainbow Salad

My words are swords that cut through fantasy and paint reality. I'm a vessel of my writing spirit.