The Spark

Siddhartha Writes The Blues
Rainbow Salad
Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2023
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

I saw her from across a crowded room
A hundred people stood between us

The moment our eyes locked
The distance fell to nothing
The crowds evaporated from our gazes

There were only two in that empty crowded room
Her & I

I worked my way through the ether
I found the courage in my chest to say “Hello”
Her hand extended out to me
I gingerly reached my hand out in return

Blue lightning arced between our fingertips
It wrapped around her arm and mine
Lashes of white-hot blue flames wrapping around us

Her hand sat shivering,
In my hand quivering
A smile sat upon her lips
A smile that beamed through her deep brown eyes

In that moment,
I couldn’t tell what would happen next
Would this be another flame that would just fizzle out?
Would this be another heartache that would build me up just to tear me down?

Neither of us knew
Neither of us cared

In that moment,
All there was,
Was us
Her & I
And the blue sparks arcing and crackling all around us.

