The Timid Man

Waiting at the Starter’s Gate

Rainbow Salad
Published in
Sep 18, 2023


Photo by Marvin Zi on Unsplash

Each day I face a thousand fears
and run a mile each time one approaches.
One thousand miles every day -
No wonder I’m tired.
Will it always be this way?

The Tragedy of the Timid Man is easy to appreciate.

With all this running for his constant retreat
he hasn’t time to stop and think.
That to turn and finally face his fears
would require strength, less pain,
than the effort spent
Avoiding all these years.

But why is courage so elusive?
And old obsessions so oppressive?
As every day, the Timid Man
turns from mania towards the repressive.

Poets encourage us to seize the day,
but if they thought like him
what would they say?
For he still fears the unknown truth
Like the thousand thoughts he feels each day.



Rainbow Salad

I'm a writer, a novice person and somewhat of a lost soul. The relentless march of time on this body and the imaginings of 'what if....' fascinate me.