There Is Love In You

Adrienne Smiley
Rainbow Salad
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2024
Created in Canva by Adrienne Smiley

There is love in you. There is love in me.
There is love in us all, even when we can’t see.

It lives inside for you to find.
And remove the barriers you keep it behind.

Are you ready to unblock it and let it out?
Are you ready to let your seed of Love sprout?

The roots are strong. The branches grow full.
Love has the power to cut through the bull.

If you are scared, I know how you feel.
Part of Love’s job is to help you heal.

You didn’t know Love. It was foreign to you.
So of course you’re afraid to feel something new.

Well my dear, I can assure,
Love is right there. Ready to open the door?

This time start with you. That’s where Love wants to begin.
Once you Love yourself, it’s easier to let others in.

You’ll find it’s true, has courage, and is strong.
And it’s been inside you all along.



Adrienne Smiley
Rainbow Salad

Life Doula & Spiritual Life Coach, RYT-200, Certified Health Coach |