Poem — This door is closed

An outrage

Rainbow Salad
1 min readMar 8, 2024


Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

I am sorry,

for I could only write shallow empty words as a means of protest,

Because I have nothing else but my words and a lot of outrage today, and perhaps today was the most unfortunate day to publish this, when we celebrate how far we have come in a more equal world...only to read something as starkly opposite as this.

News link : Hindustan Times

There is nothing you can do about it.

It's a circus of lives, of lost dignity, of injustices.

It's a sin, it's our sin to be born a woman, and a bigger sin to raise your voice against it.

Nothing can heal the scars we carry, as our bodies are, bit by bit, eaten by vultures.

Vultures which hide in plain sight, which do their best to break your bones, crush your soul, until you realize that the door you have been knocking on has always been closed!

And months after the outrage, you walk past, hoping for the sake of hoping that things are much better now, until you see the ropes on the trees and the horror of reality.

