Thru my eyes

A Symphony of Sights

Sandip Chavan
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

Thru my eyes, a wondrous world unfolds,
A tapestry of tales yet to be told.
In every blink, a symphony of sight,
A kaleidoscope of colors, pure and bright.

Through amber rays of dawn’s first light,
The world awakens, fresh and bright.
The sun’s warm embrace on nature’s face,
A canvas painted with celestial grace.

In meadows green where wildflowers bloom,
A fragrant dance dispels all gloom.
As gentle zephyrs softly sigh,
A whispered lullaby, the breeze complies.

The mountains stand tall, guardians of old,
Their rugged peaks touch skies of gold.
Through time’s embrace, their stories unfold,
Witnesses to secrets, both grand and bold.

Beside the shores where oceans roar,
Infinite horizons, dreams explore.
As tides sway, ebbing and flowing like time’s art,
An eternal rhythm, a chime that soothes the heart.

Thru my eyes, the urban sprawl,
A bustling chaos, a city’s call.
Where dreams and struggles interlace,
A melting pot of life’s diverse embrace.

In alleyways adorned with art,
A glimpse into souls, a glimpse into hearts.
Expressions painted upon brick and stone,
Whispers of emotions, once unknown.

Through forests dense, where shadows play,
Mysteries beckon, nature’s array.
Enchanted woods with ancient trees,
Their canopies a sheltering canopy.

Thru my eyes, I see the pain,
The teardrops falling, like summer rain.
A world of contrasts, joy and despair,
Hearts yearning for someone to care.

In laughter shared and love’s embrace,
A bond that time cannot erase.
In moments lost and memories found,
The tapestry of life is tightly wound.

Thru my eyes, the world I see,
A vast mosaic of you and me.
Connected threads of life’s grand art,
We play our roles, each playing a part.

So, let us cherish this precious sight,
Embrace the day, and share the light.
For in each moment, the beauty lies,
Thru my eyes — the world, it thrives.



Sandip Chavan
Rainbow Salad

Passions: Physics, Astronomy, Tech, Travel, Poetry, Advaita Vedanta. Inspired by Osho, Swami Sarvapriyananda. Fav book: Astavakra Gita and Mrityunjay 🌌📚🔭🌟