Limerick Humor

Tossing Ted Nugent into ‘The Salad’

Been a long time since my last limerick…

Will Hull
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2022


Is this text too late as a viewer warning? / Photo by author

While cleaning out what was under the house
I expected cobwebs and a dead mouse
‘What the F is that!?’
Swearing, I nearly shat
Though none of my words included ‘grouse’

Hearing ‘Cat Scratch Fever’ being sung
While wanting to cough up a lung
Mental note memo
Never again a home reno
What else is in this feral pile of dung

So this is where my mind went
When a co-editor’s plea, I was sent
“The Salad is dying.”
I could hear the sighing
A freefall into limerick descent

It seems that as part of my return
(and thank you to all that did yearn 😁)
The gist of this ballad
Rejuvenate ‘The Salad’
Rather than just watch it burn

Keep submitting, you talented scribes
(sorry, no money in the kitty for bribes)
Come on Get Happy*
Even if you think it sappy or crappy
Replenish our…

