Fiction/Young Adult/Bullying

Unforgivable Secret — Chapter Four


Izzibella Beau
Rainbow Salad


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

I made a long delay in making an appearance for the first day of school extravaganza that always happened. Not that there was anything unusual, but it was still routine that on the first day of school, the team paraded around the hallways basking in the attention that all the girls threw our way.

I just wasn’t in the limelight mood this year, especially not after yesterday and the demand that had been put on me. I hadn’t talked with any of the guys from the team since the meeting, and I knew they were going to be questioning me left and right today about the situation.

“Looking good, Ethan.” Claudia wrapped her arm around my waist and gave me a tight squeeze.

“Hey.” I wasn’t in the mood to have anybody hanging all over me this morning, not even Claudia. She was more than hot, and any guy in the school would give their left hand to have her touch them in the ways that I’d already experienced. She was the head of the Hawkettes, taller than most girls with a height of around five foot eight, long blond hair, a picture-perfect face, extremely well-built with large breasts, a flat stomach, and an ass that made all the guys fantasize about touching whenever she walked past.

Claudia took a step back away from me. “Is that all I get, a…hey?”

“I was just looking for the team. I’m running a little late this morning.” I scanned the hallway over the top of her head.

“They were down in the gymnasium last time I saw them. You don’t have to go and find the team right now, do you.” She backed me up against the row of lockers and pressed her body tight against mine. “There are always rooms vacant right now. The guys will understand.” She trailed her long fingernails down from the base of my throat, past my chest, and felt my belly button on the way down to the spot just before the slight rise in my jeans.

“Actually, I do.” I pulled her hand away from me and moved away from her clutches.

I’d been there and done that so many times that her little seduction act didn’t faze me anymore. As much as I would love to release some of this pent-up frustration and energy in a quick romp in the janitor’s closet, I had to find out if anything else went on after I’d left yesterday evening. Like maybe Matt came back and changed his mind about the challenge, that was very doubtful though.

“Catch you later.” I took off down the hall in the direction of the gym before Claudia could respond to my sudden break from her claws.

“Hey, where’d you disappear to so quick yesterday?” Jason was the first to speak as I walked up to the group.

The team had positioned themselves outside of the gym, some even looked like they were going for cover shots for a magazine the way that they held their positions. They looked like they were on public display for the rest of the student body to revel in their greatness.

“Home.” I knew the inquisition was about to begin concerning what I was going to do about Matt’s challenge.

“So dude,” Brandon draped his arm around my shoulders, “what’s up with Matt’s dickhead move?”

“You just said it, he’s a dickhead. Should we have expected more?” I leaned up against the wall and took my place by the team. Not that I was in the mood for show and tell, or the ‘check me out’ show that we had to put on, but that was part of the tradition and requirement of being on the elite soccer team. “I do the mission, conquer, and then we celebrate.” I shrugged like it was no big deal.

“Cool.” Jason nodded his head down the hallway towards the main doors. “Your new adventure just arrived.”

Everyone’s, including my own eyes, automatically fixated on the girl that just walked into the school. She was juggling her backpack while trying to fix her hair that had been blown back by the gust of wind that always happens when the doors are opened. Her demeanor was relaxed, and she wasn’t dressed to the hilt like ninety-nine percent of the female population today. She had two other girls on either side of her, I just couldn’t remember their names. It wasn’t like she needed them for bodyguards since she outweighed them each by a good twenty to thirty pounds, but more like she was the leader of this little pack of misfits.

Jason raised his eyebrows at me, questioning what I was going to do now. I just shook my head and continued to stare at the three of them as they walked closer to my pack of hungry wolves.

“It’s not time,” I said more confidently than I felt.



Izzibella Beau
Rainbow Salad

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond