Valentine’s Day

A prose poem about Valentine’s Day

Brittany Benko
Rainbow Salad
2 min readJan 8, 2024


Image was created and edited by the author through Canva.

In the cold month of February, when winter’s chill lingers but the promise of spring whispers in the air, Valentine’s Day emerges like a delicate blossom. It is a day adorned with colors of love, where hearts entwine and affections bloom in the garden of emotions.

As the sun paints the sky in shades of rose and tangerine, lovers exchange glances that speaks volumes, words unspoken yet understood. The world seems to slow its pace, creating a timeless moment where affection takes center stage. In this world of romance, every heartbeat is a treasure that resonates with the sweet echoes of love.

Cupid, the mischievous archer, takes flight, aiming his arrows at unsuspecting hearts. Love, like a gentle breeze, sweeps through the landscape, leaving behind traces of passion and warmth. It’s a day when even the most reserved souls find courage in vulnerability, allowing their emotions to dance in the moonlight ballroom of connection.

Gifts wrapped in ribbons of anticipation are exchanged, each one a token of admiration and devotion. Roses, with petals like velvet, convey sentiments that words struggle to articulate. Chocolate, a sweet indulgence, mirrors the richness of affection shared between kindred spirits.

In cafes adorned with fairy lights, couples find solace in shared laughter and whispered confessions. The world outside fades away as they create a universe of their own, where love reigns supreme. From handwritten notes to stolen glances, every gestures becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of this ephemeral day.

Yet, amidst the celebration of romance, Valentine’s Day extends its warm embrace to all hearts. Friends share laughter, families exchange gestures of love, and even solitary souls find satisfaction in self-appreciation. It is a celebration of love in its multiple forms, a reminder that affection knows no boundaries.

As the day concludes and the stars twinkle overhead, the essence of Valentine’s Day lingers — a fragrance of tenderness and connection that transcends time. Love, celebrated on this special day, becomes a beacon, guiding hearts through the journey of life’s path.



Brittany Benko
Rainbow Salad

Self-published poet, LitPick book reviewer, Etsy seller, and autism mom