Who is Losing this War?

In the context of the Israel-Palestinian War.

Rafia Naseem
Rainbow Salad
2 min readOct 16, 2023


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Dark clouds not birthed by nature,

the omnipresence of smoke,

that kills the spirit,

the seasons which never bloom,

for the filth of man fills the land.

A little innocent child looks around,

his innocence lost!

thinking, pondering, crying over the fact,

that everyone older than him,

is filling the belly of the savage planet.

For the land is ever hungry in Gaza,

even after feasting on the West Bank,

and those who breathe,

are nothing but living corpses,

following fanatically,

an ideology that’s nothing but the mockery,

of everything kind and peaceful.

And the world outside them,

behaves and proceeds,

as if human principles are not at stake,

as if life is as good as it gets,

and have created a dome,

that separates them,

from everything cruel and barbarous.

Walking on their cemented pavements,

going to their dull, crazy job,

spending hours like a maniac,

to live the thing they call life.

Pigeons, closing their eyes to deny the existence of a cat,

that would soon tear them to pieces,

are we in our homes — our cozy spaces,

closing our eyes,

to the chaos and destruction all around,

that’s not only killing people in Palestine,

but is taking the soul out of all of us,

unknowingly —

turning us into empty, hollow, ugly vessels.

For every time a man dies


we all lose a piece of us,

a piece that makes us human,

we all share the crime

and we all head one step forward,

towards the hell of our own creation.

and amidst these spiteful and distressing affairs,

they ask, Who is losing this war?

What do you think?

Can’t you see? it’s us?

Can’t you see Palestine is winning, Israel is winning,

man’s vengeful ideologies are winning,

and we are losing,

humans are losing,

little kids, their charisma and energy are losing,

the love for life and the belief in virtue are losing,

the women with their never-ending generosity are losing,

the men with their unwavering faith are losing,

kindness, compassion, peace, and love are losing,

everything that makes us human,

every ideal, every value, and every shred of ethics is losing this war.



Rafia Naseem
Rainbow Salad

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