Withdrawing Fables From The Memory Bank

Part Five: Bang Bang

aleXander hirka
Rainbow Salad


Pro-war demonstrators and Anti-war protestors / center: My Lai Massacre Memorial, Quảng Ngãi province, Vietnam

Dear Basil. Thanks for writing.

Another six inches of snow here in Cleveland last night. Just like in New York it makes things quiet and beautiful for a couple days—but I’m ready for April showers and flowers next month.

The constant caution of living underground gets exhausting. And since things ended with Abby, being alone gets crazy-making sometimes. She seems to have left town. I’m glad you and I met last year, however briefly, so I could tell you about what has happened here. It’s still hard to talk, or even think about it. Tortures me. I can only hope that things go well for all of us.

Oh yeah—a magazine piece I read recently about the Lincoln Memorial said that the shoe we met beside in Washington is a size 40. Big man.

Sure doesn’t look good for this war to end, even with all the outrage and protests happening. The newspapers posted that great photo of a guy placing a carnation into the barrel of a soldier’s rifle guarding the Pentagon, but I guess the levitation and exorcism of that monstrous place didn’t quite do the trick. That power won’t yield to flower power.

Hey—see if you can track down a short book at your library. It’s called The War Racket, written by a Major General Smedley Butler. In 1935 he had



aleXander hirka
Rainbow Salad

Writer, visual artist, philosopher, autodidact, curmudgeon. More than half of what i do is make believe. https://alexanderhirka.nyc