Withdrawing Fables From The Memory Bank

Part Six: We Are Stardust

aleXander hirka
Rainbow Salad


“Last Year Of The Decade” — collage AleXander Hirka

Radio announcer:
This year promises to be a wild ride, folks.
In just a couple weeks in Washington, DC, Richard Nixon will be inaugurated the 37th president of these here United States.
And wow, if things go as planned, then by the summer it looks like humans will be leaving their footprints on the moon.
Meanwhile, in local news, this morning, across the river in Newark, police confiscated 30,000 copies of the new John Lennon and Yoko Ono album, entitled ‘Two Virgins’, which features a nude photo of the couple on the cover, for violating New Jersey’s pornography laws.
And now—back to music—still holding the number one slot to start this year, Marvin Gaye with ‘I Heard It Through the Grapevine’.

New York City population had reached almost 8 million.
Stop and consider for a moment the estimate of 200 million sperm that compete for one human egg, and you will begin to see each of these 8 million as the winners of a very rare cosmic lottery.
And since every atom of calcium in their bones, oxygen in their lungs, iron in their blood, and carbon in their muscles, was made inside a star before the Earth was born—they are each and every one. . . stardust!



aleXander hirka
Rainbow Salad

Writer, visual artist, philosopher, autodidact, curmudgeon. More than half of what i do is make believe. https://alexanderhirka.nyc