You and I

Dhruv Malpani
Rainbow Salad
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2023
Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

I have a premonition. one which I should not. dare not share with anybody else. but keep it hidden within the deepest confines of my soul. that even I ought to forget it.

Upon its coming true. i can heave a sigh of relief. more so that the opposite did not occur. but in the event that it does not occur. i am not sure what I will do. am not sure what 'us' would be anymore. you and I.

Distraught knowing the destiny playing its long stretched-out game of chess. while you and I just the pieces on the opposite sides of the board. this could be a different type of chess altogether. whether coming together is in our fates, or drawing apart. only time can tell.

More importantly. i am a creature of force of habit. a control freak. ought to know the certainties and uncertainties which the posterity brings with it. while you are more carefree. keep me grounded. more free-flowing. more connected to the nature and its whims.

you and i. fundamentally different beings. with similar intrinsic values. thinking about the past. thinking about the future. will get us nowhere.

I have a premonition. but. maybe. i just need to start living. in the present.

Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash



Dhruv Malpani
Rainbow Salad

Aspiring lawyer with a penchant to writing stories