Ze’s Automated Character: Capable Of Anything And Everything.

Rainbow Salad
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2024
Source: Unsplash, They say we can’t see Ze.

Destiny, a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency

(The definition is taken from Merriam-Webster Dictionary.)

Destiny is like a falling feather fated to touch the Earth and return to its elemental form, regardless of the path it takes.

Let’s, for once, forget that we are human beings and imagine ourselves as fictional characters in the imaginary novel ‘Pandora’s Playground: Beyond the Magical Gate’.

Ze, the author of this all-time bestseller is both majestic and mysterious. The author’s writing skills are stunning and never fail to mesmerise us with the twists-turns, but is known to be super lazy.

Rumour has it that Ze holds secrets of the mystical realm and is believed to be possessed by the power of a grimoire. It is said they are boastful about the characters they give life to. Through Ze’s magical wand, they have inserted software called ‘heart’, ‘brain’, and a ‘little compass’ in their characters.

With all these powers, Ze makes what is called an ‘Automated Character’, capable of doing anything and everything. They can make their own story.

When interrogated about why Ze made the characters the way they are, Ze replied, “I am occupied with a lot of characters, and writing each character personally would be a daunting task.”

When asked, “Aren’t you afraid that these automated characters would mess up with your road map of how things are going to happen in your novel?”.

Ze replied with a smile, “Although automated I have already written their destiny. I have also added a value system in the characters, which they have to develop by learning and unlearning from their surrounding”

“What is this value system?”

Ze replied, “You will learn that with the passing days.”


Ze added, “I believe that the characters are all capable of navigating through their story on the road map I have already laid. It’s ultimately a story of their own and I don’t like interrupting them in the way they tell their stories to my readers. There are times when my characters lose their hold on themself and are in scepticism. Only for those times of difficulty I have created a small creature called a ‘guiding angel’, they can take any form, they have an element of magic.”

“It must be a challenging task for you to watch your character perplexed, broken and take the wrong direction.”

Ze answered, “Watching my characters hustling, gives me comfort. This moment is the most important part of the character they are defining, it makes the story interesting and leaves a lasting impact on my readers.”

Are there times when your character tried to change their destiny? On such occasions what do you do?

Ze replied, “That’s a rare thing, I remember once there was a character, ‘Wit’. She was quick to understand the signs of guiding angels, and over time she had developed a strong persona. My readers loved her. Her destiny was to marry Prince ‘Coward’. I thought that would give a good twist to the story ‘Wit-Coward’. She refused to dance to the ‘drums of destiny’ and she did what is called ‘bargaining in good faith with destiny’.

What does that mean, what happened to her?

Ze explained, “ She was a character infused with courage and driven by vision, it was outrageous of me to marry her off to ‘Coward’. I had to make changes in my pre-thought outcomes, I had to negotiate. After all, it’s not the destiny readers are interested in but the desires and dreams the character perceives.”

Appreciable! What happens to the others who try to play with their destiny?

Ze replied, “ I sometimes empathize and sometimes laugh at their self- talks, I know that’s evil of me, I can’t help I am too lazy that’s why I made the automation feature. If they can’t help themselves with all that I have provided them I am always the last to help, The value system we have talked about earlier was made only for this time. ” The value system is software that helps you in such a situation.”

So we can conclude, by saying your characters’ destiny is pre-programmed.

Ze nodded, “We creators are crazy beings, we can go above and beyond to make the story captivating. To be a character in my novel is not always easy, you would never know upon whose horn your destiny and survival are continually being tossed just to get readers’ interest. Although crazy, I am the author of the Universe’s best-selling novel, I have kindness and justice inculcated in my very being. Some of my characters might have bad faith in the first part of my novel, but my series is neverending, maybe good fortune is awaiting them in the next part.”

What piece of advice would you like to give to your automated characters?

Ze advised “I carved the way to your destiny, that’s my work. How you walk your journey is totally up to you, you may plant beautiful flowers on the way ahead or dig holes out of frustration. Always remember you all are continuously watched and It’s me who decides what to do with you, and what your destiny will be in my next part of ‘Pandora’s Playground: Beyond the Magical Gate’.”

Author’s Note-

I hope you enjoyed the short read, I would like to read your interpretation of the above imaginary scenario.

Nevertheless, what are your views on Destiny and The Supreme Force.



Rainbow Salad

Just another soul hustling for freedom. We bond ourself with of a ton of morals, beliefs and self doubt. It's not the world holding us but we ourselves. MAGIC