
Fedor Butochnikow
Poetry Sphere
Published in
13 hours ago

Nobody knows what compels decisions,

what makes us complacent,

stupidly reckless.

Nobody can agree on the definition of fate,

universal formula for love,

the principle of devotion.

Nobody can pinpoint the cause to human flaws,

apart from the blatant stupidity,

nobody wants to talk about.

No human wants to look you in the eye,

and claim to understand freedom,

when choices are abound but feelings dry.

No mother would ever tell you why,

humanity invented stupid questions,

useless to guts far from the head.

No lover would ever be honest,

in what they make of themselves,

when they desire to dictate your heart.



Fedor Butochnikow
Poetry Sphere

I am always on the lookout for meaning. Old print, random posts, good poetry, allegories, and ironies excite the reader/writer within me.