
Monica O’Connor
Poetry Through the Ages
1 min readOct 23, 2014


February 2014

I awake in a hot sweat,
baseboard roaring, windchill flooring those
brave enough to exit their homes before 7:00AM.
The sky has dropped a steel grey backdrop,
the color of this city a metallic sheen during long winter months.
My skin is burned,
Pink from twelve minutes of artificial UV happiness.
Icicles forming in my arm hair,
I am another human stalactite of early February.
Skin slick with perspiration from a broken nights sleep,
no rest for the wicked, the damned, or those
who allow figments of
horrific imaginations manifest
in bedroom shadows at dawn.



Monica O’Connor
Poetry Through the Ages

Mo, 31. Trying to make sense of it all. Twitter: @m_0c Instagram: @m_oc.