In The Cold Thin Air

Dance — Because you are scared.

Harper Hunt
Poetry Under Cover
2 min readNov 13, 2017


Deniz Altindas,

At the precipice of a great mountain,
Wind tears at my soul, trying to shove me down.
Cold seeps through my heavy coat,
The snow is deep, but I will stand,
until I won’t.

My mind is a terrible maze,
filled with demons,
with no one to love,
and no reason to care,
armed with an arsenal,
of darkness, depression and despair.

So I stand, an inch under the sky.
I came here to do something,
but I’m no longer sure what or why.

Jump. Jump.
Jump, from the top, now that you are here,
closing your eyes, becoming one with the fall,
the whistle of the wind as it passes by your ears.

Strip. Strip.
Strip your layers and defences, let the elements have your body
it can be their’s up here,
to mould and make, to shift, torture and break.

Pray. Pray.
Pray to a god, whichever will listen,
thank them for wonders so real —
like the way her eyes used to glisten.

Dance. Dance. Dance with your heart and feet,
to the rhythm of the worlds beat.
Dance to remember and forget, rejoice and regret.
music is here, let it in.
Dance with her, she is alive up here,
in the cold thin air.

You left flowers somewhere.

Take off your gloves, let your hands feel it all,
Let them take That Silver Tin,
Glinting in the winter sun, shining like her smile,
She is here with you now,
In the cold thin air.

There are no buses up here, no roads, no bikes, no ‘accidents’.
You left flowers by the roadside, someplace somewhere.
Jump — if you dare.
Dance — because you are scared.

Take off the lid,
Let the wind have her now, let the world use her love,
It could use some up here —
In the cold thin air.

