Poetry Under Cover: TWO prompts + news

Poetry Under Cover
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1 min readJan 10, 2018
Jez Timms

Hello lovelies,

A note to let you know we’re now going to be publishing work Monday through Friday. This means if you’re a reader, you’ll be seeing more of us — and — if you’re a writer, your work will be published sooner.

Writers, please note that while you may see your work published the same day you submit, we reserve the right to schedule your piece for a near-future date, particularly if you’ve submitted more than one piece or if there is a large volume of submissions.

p oetry ღღ under ღღ cover

We have TWO prompts running.

An open-format prompt and a one-line poem prompt.


the open format prompt, and


the one-line prompt


If you wish to submit for either or both, please read the prompt details here and get your work in.

Yours warmly,
marika bianca
Heath Houston
Editors, Poetry Under Cover

