Free Verse Poetry
Do Wind Chimes Bring Peace or Do They Bother Neighbors?
It’s Bewildering How Much This Gives Me Anxiety
I hung wind chimes on my porch
yesterday after finding them
buried in my car. My mother-in-law
gave the decoration to me
five or six years ago.
I didn’t have a place
to hang them back then.
It’s late at night.
I’m watching 3,877 episodes
of Bluey with my son,
he can’t sleep
because of his 16th tooth:
a pesky canine
that refuses to emerge.
I hear the chimes.
I worry my neighbors
hear them too. I worry
it is waking everyone up,
and they secretly hate me.
The wind intensifies,
the mix of cold and hot
in November is creating
winds normally thought of as
spring weather events.