29,000 Days

Scott Gardiner
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2016

Your eyes crack open,
it’s the start of another day
Did you know you’ll do this 29000 times,
if you live to be 80?
Maybe you’ll sit down for breakfast,
of burnt eggs and runny toast.
Maybe you’ll get a phone call,
from the one that you love the most.
You might fall down the stairs,
that is if you have them.
You might see your leg twisted at a hideous angle,
when you finally reach the bottom.

Perhaps you’ll find a $20 bill on the street.
You’ll do a little jig, and give a happy shout.
You’re $20 up, but someone else is $20 down.
In the end things always even out.
You could go into work and be showered with praised,
by your boss for a file neatly filed.
And your mouth might be bursting at the seams,
with an ear to ear smile.
Or maybe you’ll make a mistake.
Cost the company time and money.
See, things even out again.
Isn’t life funny?

You might look both ways before crossing the street.
Safety always comes first.
Or you might be distracted and only look left.
From the right, here comes a hearse.
Always like you to cut out the middleman.
No ambulance is required.
In the blink of an eye flashes your unfulfilled life.
Your best before date has expired.
But there’s a good chance that it won’t go that way,
the empty hearse carries on in vain
Sometimes you wish for a good near death experience,
instead of another dose of boring and mundane.

For how many of us are the days truly varied?
Like the Love Boat exciting and new.
And for how many are the days pre-determined,
without kerfuffle or hullaballoo.
With bravado we speak of the control that we hold.
The sun on our face and the wind at our back.
But reality has most of us going in circles,
the mechanical rabbit at the greyhound track.
Deluding ourselves repeating ad-infinitum,
that we are content where we are.
Still we post nauseating quotations on Facebook.
About aiming for the moon and reaching the stars.

Listen, you don’t have to take my word for it.
I’m just some guy dabbling in verses.
But trust me I know what it’s like to dream big,
and still be chained to the surface.
So punch your way out of your little box.
Dip your toes into the ocean.
The overwhelming force of momentum,
starts with one tiny forward motion.
Break out of your comfort zone, the moment is yours.
It’s your time to finally show it.
Because the clock that counts down those 29,000 days,
will reach zero before you know it.



Scott Gardiner
Poets Unlimited

Writer of little note, or maybe writer of little notes.