Ode to And

We are so much more.

Doni Kekai
1 min readJan 1, 2014

Don’t accept dichotomies,
Mutually exclusive halves,
Jointly exhaustive,
Perpetually deficient.

Don’t be hindered by hierarchies,
One above the other.
No one wins,
Judgment prevails.

We live with ceaseless rigidity,
Always trying to define, to confine,
Always trying to perform, to conform,

Good or Bad,
Happy or Sad,
Honest or Liar,
Pleasure or Pain,
Black or White,
Right or Wrong.

We live to minimize,
We exist to reduce.
We fear a scarcity that doesn’t exist,
Always forcing a choice,
Either, or,
Never both.

What if we embrace the enormity,
If we allow for abundance?
What if we stop trying to fit,
If we accept our infinitely imperfect selves,
Can never be either, or.
We are so much more.
We are both.
We are and.

Winner and Loser,
Friend and Foe,
Brave and Scared,
Tough and Tender,
Rich and Poor,
Right and Wrong.

A simple switch in conjunctions,
And finally we reach the truth,
A mere three letters long,
One little word,

It unleashes the power of possibilities.
It never limits.
It ever expands.
It allows.
It frees.

Seize the power of and.

