A Better Deal

Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2018

Another “movement”
Some grassroots protest?
More reasons to argue
One big bipartisan mess

Well I’ll tell ya what,
A better deal exists
Are you ready to hear?
Here, try some of this:

Be good to your neighbor
Sit down and just talk
Stop being a stranger
Say “hi” when you walk

See each other colorblind
Share some laughs and a smile
Sit back and be kind
(Just every once in a while)

Stop screaming over politics
Want to make real change?
Empty out your own pockets
Or is giving too strange?

Drop all those “isms”
They only tear and divide
We’ve had one too many schisms
Those speakers? They’ve lied

Start giving, stop begging
Cease bickering for more
Work harder, quit nagging
Hear the knock at your door



Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.