A British Summer

Pamela Morrison
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 26, 2018
Photo Courtesy of pixabay

The sun
Came out
For weeks and weeks
Smiles on faces
Sundress weather
Down, down it beat
People shopping in next to nothing
The heat
Just like Tenerife

Exodus to the sea
Every weekend
To beat the band
Ice cream, fish and chips from vans
Beached seals
You and me
Bleached in the sand

Patches of red
Traffic jams
Windows down
Summer days
Weeks in repeat
Could it last

Audible mumblings
It began
2am watering
Hose-pipe ban
The “oh this heat”
I’m not complaining
But I wish it were raining

The grass is brown
Said with a frown
I haven’t slept a wink
I’m on the brink
We’re not built for this weather
I can’t believe that I’m saying this
But it’s too hot to think

Then the rain came
2 days of streets of streams
Turning to rivers
You could hear the screams of “typical”
Voices aquiver
You see
“I knew it wouldn’t last”



Pamela Morrison
Poets Unlimited

Discoverist, writing of life, love, obstacles, change & other things. Problems are my catnip and troubleshooting my fuel. My accidental poetry keeps me sane.